Macy Lives
My little dog survived her surgery, as you can see in this photo.
She had all of her teeth removed except for one and the vet said that she got through procedure just fine.
I know she looks a bit disoriented, but she is on PAIN KILLERS!
I know, you're wondering, "how the hell is she going to eat without any teeth?" She will be on a soft food diet for the rest of her life, (however long that is...)
So, thanks for the well wishes.
It's all good.
The dog lives.
Thanks to the skills of a very nice lesbian vet and $465.00!
i'm glad macy is okay. i know you said in your blog that it wouldn't be a big deal if she died, since she's old, but never know how much you love a pet until they're gone. great blog, by the way.
Oh, I hope I didn't sound like I wouldn't CARE if she died, I would be completely sad and upset; I was just trying to be realistic because she is so old.
I was sobbing when I dropped her off at the vet; I was afraid that it would be the last time I saw her. But all is well, she's okay!
maybe you could get her doggie dentures! lol, i'm delirious with sleep deprivation. you're right, the l word is a show that you can't help but love, love, LOVE! i haven't seen season 2 yet. i don't get showtime, so i'm having to wait on dvd's. it'll be oct. before i get to season 2. can't wait, though!
Yay for Macy, she's so darned cute!
Thank you for dropping by- I left you a comment back there- before I woke up and realized it was my blog.
Ok, so I'm a little brain dead.
My 14 year old toy poodle (before she left me to go over the Rainbow Bridge) had not a tooth in her mouth, and bless her little heart, still managed to eat Milk Bones. And believe me, those things are as hard as Kelsey's nuts. So, after Macy's gums toughen up, she may be able to eat more than just a soft diet.
I laughed out loud at that picture!
Your dog, all drugged up and toothless, seems to be thinking, "Shit, that's a load of money - why didn't you just kill me? In fact, I have no teeth and will have to eat paste for the rest of my life - [i]please[/i] kill me."
I have a dog named Macy too, 'cept we call her Macey! She is a bulldog and is 8 years old. I love your blog, I just found it and have not looked away for almost am hour!
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