Our government at it's finest
It seems as though I am $30,000.00 in debt.
So is DD#1,
and DD#2,
and DD#3,
and HG,
and you,
and your children,
and all of your neighbors.
I'm a little pissed off that I wasn't made aware of this fact before Brian informed me today. That's something I would have liked to have known, wouldn't you?
I know Kristine just paid off a whole bunch of shit over the summer with Hot Loan Guy. I bet she didn't even factor that 30 thousand into that.
Yeah, it seems that congress approved a bill for an additional $2.8 trillion in spending bringing our countries current deficite to $9 trillion dollars which translates into $30,000.00 worth of debt for every man, woman, and child in our country. ($92 billion of that $2.8 trillion will go to the war in Iraq.) Hmmm. That's a whole bunch of money.
The other tidbit of information that Brian Williams shared with me tonight was on the recovery effort in New Orleans. Seems a whole shit load of trailers were delivered to the people of New Orleans to live in.
Just in time for Hurrican season to start again.
I don't know about any of y'all, but that's the LAST place that I would want to be living in through another hurricane. (I'm sure that there is a PERFECTLY good explanation for the intelligence that went into THIS decision...)
The third bit of journalistic excellence that I was enlightened with today is that it seems that invading Iraq three years ago to look for weapons of mass destruction was just not fun enough for our administration. Now we're looking to invade Iran.
Yep, pre-emptive strike on Iran.
Great idea.
Good plan.
I don't think I want to watch Brian Williams any more.
That is all.
You beat me to it.
As a fiscal conservative, I am ready to bang my head against the wall. But it wouldn't do any good. I'm still seeing FEMA trailers (7 yesterday) being delivered. One day, 36 trailers arrived and only one went out. They are sitting in lots, empty.
Both parties have let us down, but it pains me to admit that the republicans are the real culprits in this spending-gone-wild bullshit.
I'm about to hyperventilate, so I'll stop now.
I don't watch the news or anything negative like that anymore. Too damn depressing and I have enough shit in my immediate life.
I saw thet last night & was as sickened as you!
Yeh, the state of this country amazes me.
It fucking amazes me..
Yeah I can't wait for the debt collectors to start calling about that debt. You know when they call they ask if you dispute your owing of the debt? Yeah I do. I think for your sanity and ours you shouldn't watch those kind of shows anymore. Man do I havte the shrub!
Even better is that they sent mobile homes...that way if a hurricane comes there won't be any rubble to clean up. The whole dang thing will blow away...I think FEMA is being preemptive.
yeah. i'm depressed now.
That man is just such a f'ing evil bully. We'll be in Iran before he's out of office. {sigh}
Vote in 2006 and change Congress, then vote again in 2008 and change the executive. If all else fails, I hear Canada has a decent budget and is sitting on a wealth on oil.
And they legalized pot.
sad thing about what brian say is that you and I aren't really in debt. Our kids will be saddled with paying back that sucker. Right now, you and I are just servicing the interest.
Gay marriage in Canada? From what I read marriage is never gay, but more sad and blue. .. what .. ? oh .. that kinda gay. cool.
It's all the fault of that damned Gwen Stefani. Great pics from your vacation. HG looks wonderful. I hope that you are as happy as you look, because you truly deserve it!!
I don't like your president. yah yah I know he didn't actually WIN, but I don't like your self-appointed president.
That said, I don't like our current Prime Minister either... he's a bit too much of a right-wing, bible thumping, fake, spoiled rotten bush groupie.
we canadians have to keep a short leash on our politics these days.
but yes, same-sex marriage is legal (even in alberta technically) and pot is.. well not legal, but not an issue.. in fact I think it's BC's #1 export.
and I don't like your president
Gregg: LOL, that took me a minute!
Charlotte: It might be Gwen's fault.
Ryann: He's not my president, I voted for Kerry...
I like Canada!
I knew there was a reason I don't watch the news.....ugh
oh but wait there's always more, budget cuts to every major department (but Defense) are coming soon to an agency near you...housing, social services, education...we're not even going into debt for that stuff...
yep, this is why I try not to watch too much news
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