Why is it
I'm so over it.
My sweet dog has raging hormones.
She's trying to hump my leg.
My name is Kathryn and I'm a recovering straight girl... I realized after thirty-five years of being with men, that living the straight life is not the life for me. I am currently in the 12 step recovery program, trying to find my way to being a "real" lesbian.
I don't know but when you figure it out, let me know. Mine do the same damn thing. The kids that is. Not the dog. :)
I don't know. Mine just has me to yell at. Tom Cruise would say that you guys need vitamins and exercise.
I hear ya on that! The mornings are the worst. Just get your fucking shit together, eat, brush your teeth and get in damn car. Don't be messing with each other. I HATE, HATE, HATE it.
LMFAO @ Kami's comments! Also, when mi hija was younger, she only had me to yell at...or the cat, but she didn't yell at the cat unless said cat tripped her (which I told the cat to do because I was tired of being yelled at).
Of course, nothing's changed much re the yelling...my neighbors must think I'm loony when I yell at NPR - usually because the $hrub or one of the other neocons is verbally vomitting something I could do without at 6:30 a.m.
Duct tape, anyone? ;)
OMG! I said to my boys today after school today: Why is it that you two constantly fight after school on the ride home? If you keep it up, you'll both be grounded!
Then I went on to say- i'm so done with it!
I'm thinking duct tape is a FANTASTIC idea. Actually, when you give birth, they should come with duct tape.
That is why I only have one *smile*
Damn, I thought they stopped that crap after they got over age 4!
I'm doomed.
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