Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Ten Years Ago

I was going to write about something else today, but I decided that I needed to address for myself some of the other crap going on in the world.

I remember where I was ten years ago. I was opening my restaurant and walked out into the bar where the morning server was watching CNN. She looked at me horrified and showed me on the television that there was a bombing in Oklahoma City; babies were killed. Her name was Joelle Carter and she was wearing a blue shirt. She was a Mormon lady with five children and although she was a royal pain in the ass at times, I liked her. I probably wouldn't remember her at all except that I remember everything about that moment, it was awful. I couldn't have imagined anything more awful that day than what happened. The fact that there was a day care center on the first floor, that people dropped off their kids for the day, went to work and then everything for them changed. It couldn't have been imagined that Americans could endure such horror on their own soil, and then to find out later that Americans were the perpetrators.

Years later, we discovered that there could be something more horrible that could happen in our homeland, perpetrated by another terrorist, helped by our own president. But that's another anniversary.

So here we are, ten years later. Timothy McVeigh is dead, murdered by our own government. Our society is so fucked up that we needed to kill him to "pay" for the lives of the 168 people that he killed. Instead of looking at what we should have really looked at; what made him do it? What have we done wrong in our society, in our communities, in our families to contribute to him masterminding a plan to kill innocent people. I don't believe that he was just a sick mother fucker; that's not part of my capability of thinking. I think that we, as a society, failed him. We do not know how to teach males how to be functioning members of our life. They rape, they kill, they wage war. What's wrong with them? It's time that men caught up with the evolutionary cycle and decided that what they've been doing for millions of years isn't working anymore. Perhaps when they do that we will have a more peaceful earth and loving society.

This of course, is coming from a lesbian.


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