Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I'm a Narcissist?

A very nice reader, named, "Anonymous" commented this on my post, To My Former Friends:

"Your narcissism is appalling. I've gone through these posts and I'll give you this advice-stop trying to find validation for your shitty ways from other people. Your concern for yourself, however, is touching. Maybe you should become "The Masturbatory Single Girl" so you don't do anyone else any damage with your narcissism. I hope your daughters take after their father. I really do."

Being the insightful person that I try to be, I thought that I should at least look into the possibility that I am, indeed, a narcissist.

So doing what any insightful person who is interested in something would do; I googled "narcissism."I found out this on NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder.)

According to American Psychiatric Association, the following is the description of someone who has NPD. The follwing list was amended by Dr. Sam Vakin and can be seen here. Let's see if it sounds like me. (ME, ME, ME!!!)

American Description Diagnostic Criteria

A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy, *I do want to be a princess, or at least I want to have a TIARA on my blog, or behavior, *I do sometimes act like Madonna when I'm singing in the shower), need for admiration *please bow down to me and my Tiared princess self, and lack of empathy *I don't give a flying fuck about any of you, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

  1. Feels grandiose and self-important (e.g., exaggerates accomplishments, talents, skills, contacts, and personality traits to the point of lying, demands to be recognised as superior without commensurate achievements) Yes, this does sound like me, (ME, ME, ME!) Wasn't I just telling all of you about the high ranking accomplishments that I have just recently achieved at my brilliant and incredibly powerful career that I have, you know the weekend WAITRESSING job that I'm doing!! I am so important there, I don't think that the place could possibly go on operating if I left that job Wasn't I also just telling all of you in my post Love In Limbo, how I was so fucking brilliant at math and that I was a rocket scientist?
  2. Is obsessed with fantasies of unlimited success, fame, fearsome power or omnipotence, unequalled brilliance (the cerebral narcissist), bodily beauty or sexual performance (the somatic narcissist), or ideal, everlasting, all-conquering love or passion Yes, Yes, Yes! I am all the time sitting in bed dreaming about getting discovered and marrying Gwen Stefani after she finds out how great in bed I am, (oh, wait, I really DO do that!)
  3. Firmly convinced that he or she is unique and, being special, can only be understood by, should only be treated by, or associate with, other special or unique, or high-status people (or institutions) Yes, I only shop at the RITZY grocery stores with the important, special and smart people. My children only play at the NICE park in town (after attending their public school,) and we only wear the FINEST in Target apparel.
  4. Requires excessive admiration, adulation, attention and affirmation – or, failing that, wishes to be feared and to be notorious (Narcissistic Supply) I want you all to FEAR and LOATHE the day that you first read my blog. Be afraid, be very, very afraid. *Actually I really hate it when I am given recognition/admiration from others. It makes me feel very uncomfortable; attention, though I do enjoy.
  5. Feels entitled. Demands automatic and full compliance with his or her unreasonable expectations for special and favourable priority treatment Yes, I expect that when I go throught the drive thru at McDonalds that they give me exactly ten sugars for my iced tea, and I expect them to do it quickly and not make me wait!
  6. Is "interpersonally exploitative", i.e., uses others to achieve his or her own ends I do sometimes make my dd's run in and get my drycleaning for me.
  7. Devoid of empathy. Is unable or unwilling to identify with, acknowledge, or accept the feelings, needs, preferences, priorities, and choices of others Yes, I am exactly this way; and that is made very apparent by my previous profession of being a doula. Every woman, when she is giving birth, wants to hire a doula who doesn't give a shit about her feelings, needs, preferences, priorities, or choices.
  8. Constantly envious of others and seeks to hurt or destroy the objects of his or her frustration. Suffers from persecutory (paranoid) delusions as he or she believes that they feel the same about him or her and are likely to act similarly I would like to have one of those 80 hour recordable dvd TiVo's, but I don't know anyone who has one that I can be jealous of and want to fuck them up.
  9. Behaves arrogantly and haughtily. Feels superior, omnipotent, omniscient, invincible, immune, "above the law", and omnipresent (magical thinking). Rages when frustrated, contradicted, or confronted by people he or she considers inferior to him or her and unworthy. No one ever contradicts me, oh except for my kids every fucking day! And yes, I guess I am arrogant and haughty, except for most of the time when I can't stand myself. And I'm certainly omnipotent and invincible, which is why I spend sleepless nights worrying about everyone and everything in my life. And rage? Oh yes, I'm all the time starting fistfights.

Some other interesting facts:
Only about 1% of the populations are narcissists.
Most narcissists are men, (50-75%.)
I wonder how many of them are lesbians?

Some famous narcissists:
Well, I couldn't really find a list so I made up my own (because I'm superior and omnipotent!)

Narcissus: was the original narcissit from the Greek Mythology. He loved to look at himself in a pool of water. That's where they got the name; I wonder why they didn't call it Kathrynissus, bastards!

Jesus: had to be considered a narcissit. I'm mean come on, He was all the time talking about "being God" and claiming that He could "walk on water," and "turn water into wine, Talk about omnipotent and omniscient!

Hitler: Really don't need to explain anything about THIS guy. He was THE FURER afterall, trying to take over the world and shit; so superior that he tried to take out a whole fucking race!

George W. Bush: And my favorite narcissit; our fine president.
God talks to him, God told him to be president, yada, yada, yada, yada.

So there you have it, fine readers from the internet.
Apparently I am, indeed a narcissit. I wonder if there is any help available?

And before anyone gets bent out of shape that I put pictures of Jesus and Hitler on the same page, you must realize that I can do whatever I want because I'm a tiared wearing princess who knows everything and doesn't care what anyone else thinks!

*I accidently deleted the pictures I used for this post from my flickr account. I didn't realize that it would delete them from my blog. I wasn't be a pussy about taking shit about the post!


Blogger Charlotte in Pa said...

Isn't that sort of the point of blogging... to talk about yourself? Seriously. My blog is all about ME ...and Sue... and the stuff we do. I could TRY to blog about you instead, but since I don't know you, that will be difficult. What else are you supposed to blog about? I guess I'm a narcissist, too. BOW DOWN TO ME AND WORSHIP MY BLOG AND THEN FETCH ME THINGS WHILE I SIT AT MY DESK LIKE THE QUEEN OF THE INTERNET! Actually.. that doesn't sound too bad.

Thursday, May 19, 2005 4:17:00 AM  
Blogger Valerie said...


And Bush is such a narcissist!!

Thursday, May 19, 2005 6:18:00 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

I love that you called Bush a narcissist. Could not think of a better word to describe him than that.

Thursday, May 19, 2005 7:05:00 AM  
Blogger Pissy Britches said...

Holy fuck you are cracking me up! We all get nasty comments..aren't they fun! Fuckers!

Thursday, May 19, 2005 8:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey...that's not fair! I've never gotten a nasty comment! :::pout:::

But look at what this idiot wrote: "Your narcissim is appalling. I've gone through these posts...." Now wait a goddamn minute! If he is so appalled, why the fuck is he continuing to read your posts?

More revealing, however, is his comment: "Your concern for yourself is touching," as if he were trying to convey even slight sympathy for you? No fucking way! His next sentence illustrates his true intent: "Maybe you should become "The Masturbatory Single Girl so you won't do anyone else any damage with your narcissism." Sweetie, he's not appalled by you - he's TURNED ON by the idea of your /touching/ yourself, and instead of doing damage, you'd be doing him a really big favor - that's just one more porn flick he wants to see. His calling /you/ a narcissist is merely projecting his own narcissism onto you. He knows you're not a narcissist, but he really wishes you were a naked exhibitionist with a web cam, so he can watch you touch yourself and he can touch his narcissistic self and thus blame you for his unrelenting need for sexual satisfaction that he is completely incapable of achieving on without guilting some innocent woman into helping him.

Finally, he says "I hope your daughters take after their father." That's just one more attempt to make you feel guilty for being an intelligent, outspoken woman who is doing everything she can to be who she is meant to be. Since he's read through past posts, he sees your XH as being a controll freak, and Anonymous clearly wants all women to be like your XH wanted you: There for his every whim and to be out of sight and quiet if he doesn't agree with them.

I'm guessing he hates women - lesbians in particular. What good is a woman if she can't be manipulated by a man....not much good to the man, obviously. Yet he still sees you as some sort of conquest - even if it's emotional conquest.

Props to you, RSG, for not letting him defeat you!

I'll step down from my litarary analysis soapbox, now. peace out - lil sis

Thursday, May 19, 2005 9:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those kinds of comments only serve to illustrate to the world what kind of inbred muthafuckas their authors are. Why do people feel the need to comment this shit? Move the fuck along!!! If you don't like what you see, don't keep reading for narcichristic's sake!

I, for one, enjoy reading your "narcissitic" blog, because I like the glimpses into your experience and thoughts. Please don't stop. It IS all about you (except when it's about me, of course).

One final suggestion: Pictures of YOU. Those would totally blow your anonymity, but think what it would do for your narcissistic factor! Woot, bring it on!!! :)

Thursday, May 19, 2005 9:50:00 AM  
Blogger Big Heavy said...

just because you turned homo doesn't mean you have to go offending Our Lord and Savior. Some of us still respect you as a person and love the Lord with all of our hearts. we won't be able to keep reading ya if this continues.

Thursday, May 19, 2005 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*stands up and takes one for the team*

Humor, people. It was funny. C'mon. :) You can't read a blog like this and get all offended about stuff.

Thursday, May 19, 2005 11:33:00 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Oh Big Heavy, come on now, don't go getting your panties in a wad. I wasn't offending our Lord and Savior...I'm probably one of the most spiritually sound persons you'll ever meet.

I love the Lord with all of my heart and all of my soul; and I love my neighbors like myself, and we all know how much THAT is!

It was meant as comedy, not offense. (And there is a bit of truth in it, take out the other two parts of the trinity and you do have one narcissitic human...)

Thursday, May 19, 2005 11:53:00 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Charlotte: I think that you SHOULD start blogging about me (ME, ME, ME!) As a matter of fact, let's ALL start blogging about ME, ME, ME!

Valerie: Aren't you from TEXAS? Are you allowed to say that kind of shit about Bushy?

d: Now you've done it; given people an idea about something to complain about. Why don't you point out some more shit, like how un-patriotic I am for dissing Bushy, or how I'm not considerate of the Greek's for making fun of their mythology! Great d!
*(okay, you KNOW I'm kidding, right, I'm getting paranoid now...?)

SFG, Mrs. Pissy: Glad I could make you laugh.

Curly: You are a masturbatory single girl, aren't you?

little sister: Wow, that is SOME analyzing. And your assumption is that "Anonymous" is a guy? You're probably right...Are you a shrink or something?

toady joe: Thanks for reading, and for commenting, oh, and for taking one for the team. I'll post a picture of me; I've tried a couple of times and I always look like a dork (that's dork, not dyke,) maybe I'll try again today, of course that means I'll have to shower...

Big Heavy:
See above man. You know I love ya, don't worry, I won't go to hell for THAT, (it'll be something else, I'm sure.)

Thursday, May 19, 2005 12:04:00 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Oh, Oh, Oh,

Check out Sarcastic Journalist.

She has a picture of Jesus and Hitler on the same fucking post too!

Thursday, May 19, 2005 12:34:00 PM  
Blogger Valerie said...

LOL. Yeah, I am from Texas, but we don't all claim him. Besides, he was educated up north with all the Yankees. ;-)

Thursday, May 19, 2005 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RSG- I have your blog all pimped and ready to took me like 2 days to find the right one, but I think you'll be IM me if you want it!

and hurry up too, I might use it for myself if you don't come get it!

Thursday, May 19, 2005 1:03:00 PM  
Blogger Pissy Britches said...

Oh hell..shut up about it already. This is her site and she can say whatever she wants to say. Not everyone believes the same way and I would hope that if you are cool enough to blog you are cool enough to understand that. More people fight over is just crazy to me. We all LOVE JESUS..we all have our flaws..we are all sinners.. No one need get offended. Your opinion is your opinion but don't threaten not to come back and read her blog..I really don't think she gives a damn.

Thursday, May 19, 2005 1:03:00 PM  
Blogger Pissy Britches said...


Thursday, May 19, 2005 1:03:00 PM  
Blogger Pissy Britches said...

Kristine-those comments were not directed towards you.
Just thought I would mention that.haha

Thursday, May 19, 2005 1:05:00 PM  
Blogger Shari said...

LOL, you are funny. My boss wondered what I was laughing about. :)

Thursday, May 19, 2005 1:33:00 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Kristine-blog pimper:
You've got to be fucking kidding me; you PIMPED my blog?
I love your pimpy ass!

Thursday, May 19, 2005 2:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, RSG, I'm not a shrink (but I play one on TV - j/k), but I took like 3 years of literature in college, and some words just jump out and smack me in the head with their intended meaning. For one, I don't think a woman would suggest changing your blog to "the Masturbatory Single Girl," unless she were a lesbian, but then I can't think of any lesbian who would wright that bullshit. Second, his hope that your daughters will turn out like their dad goes back to the Renaissance times when all men believed that women had substandard intelligence and could not be trusted. Thus, if your daughters take after your father, they will be better off. In the minds of most neanderthal men, your daughters would still have to be subserviant women who aren't supposed to have minds of their own, but hopefully by following only their father as an example, they will become the doormats that idiots like Anonymous would before they become.

I could be wrong, maybe it's some self-loathing lesbian who wrote that. However, most people I know who are self-loathing (straight and gay), just don't take the time to comment like that. The delete their comments and move one. This Assnonymous, instead, continued typing and made sure he was heard because, after all, in his peabrained head, men are the only ones worth listening to.

Thursday, May 19, 2005 3:31:00 PM  
Blogger Charlotte in Pa said...

Could it be the XH? I love how Big Heavy says you "turned homo." Like it's just a choice you made one morning. "You know what? My life is too easy. I think I'll 'turn homo' so that I can be ostracized by the majority of society. Yep, that'll shake things up." Turned homo. HA! LOVE the blog pimpin'. Kristine rocks the free world.

Thursday, May 19, 2005 3:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops - I meant to say 'they will become the doormats that idiots like Anonymous would /prefer/ they become.'

I'm at work and have to type fast so I can sound like I'm working...

I love your blog, RSG, and you had better not stop blogging or I'll find your suburban hell full of tupperware and give you one literary analysis after another until you just pass out from boredom.

That is not an idle thteat ;-)

Of course, if we're doing shots of tequila, what I say might be interesting, or at least I'd lose track, and then we could all be talking bullshit and laughing hysterically over nothing. I bet Anonymous has some right wing christian cure for that one too!

Sorry to take up so much of your comment space, but such intrusions are so stupid. If he doesn't like what he reads here, move on to the next blog, asswhole!

(I know, I really need to work on forming an opinion and expressing it....;-)

Love ya, chica, and I admire that this asswhole isn't getting you down!

Thursday, May 19, 2005 3:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops - thteat is supposed to be 'threat'....

Thursday, May 19, 2005 3:40:00 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Your blog looks AWESOME. Isn't Kristine the fuckin' best? I love the flowers. Very retro and cool.

Thursday, May 19, 2005 4:08:00 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Mrs. Pissy: Wow, girl, you are one loyal bitch to the Recovering Straight Girl! I may be Kristine's ho now, (since she pimped me out,) but I am YOU'RE bitch!

Charlotte: No it couldn't be XH. If XH ever found my blog he wouldn't be commenting anonymously, he would serious go ballistic on me. Besides, I don't think XH knows what "narcissitic" means. Yes, I certainly didn't wake up one day and decide that it would be fun to be even more oppressed than I already am being a woman, let's spice it up a bit by becoming a big ole dyke.

freethinker: You're right, "homo" isn't quite the nicest term, but it's better than some things I can think of...

Little Sister: You crack me up. You think that guy bothers me? I can take a lot more shit than that. And you know what? If he keeps leaving nasty comments, I'll just comment delete his ass.

SFG: Yes, yes, the blog is HOT!

Thursday, May 19, 2005 8:23:00 PM  

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